It’s our mission that users are not only inspired by our forum, but also feel safe and secure at all times. To that extent, we’ve outlined our site rules below that must be followed by everyone in the growing AstroLab community. Please read through our policies, and get in touch anytime with any questions or concerns.

Please refrain from deliberately addressing a forum user or users in such a way as to intentionally upset or frustrate them, through inflammatory, off-topic messages, or with the intention of disrupting normal discussions for personal amusement. the site does not allow any promotion besides science. Also, spamming any chat will not be tolerated. Discussing about any trouble with officials is expected before writing it in group.
Please refrain from posting or sharing illegal content on our forum, including pirated material or someone else’s original work without proper citation.
Please refrain from deliberately addressing a forum user or users in such a way as to intentionally upset or frustrate them, through inflammatory, off-topic messages, or with the intention of disrupting normal discussions for personal amusement.

Extended Rule
One's content should be reviewed via email by AstroLab officials before uploading it to the platform. AstroLab assures the safety of ones work during the review process.
People should understand understand that AstroLab is a free platform and considers the work of human regardless of his/her nationality, ethnicity, caste, sex, color, and race. This clears the point that AstroLab members must treat their colleague equally. One may report any misbehavior to the Founder, CEO, or safety and security department.
Astrolab guarantees a strict action if the rules are not followed, hence we recommend you to understand them properly or contact us to know them well.
One's work is his/her responsibility unless it is with the AstroLab for the review.
AstroLab holds almost complete transparency, but cannot share confidential information.
There will not be any modification in the pricing unless the officials decide.
Offenders will be permanently banned from AstroLab after Sixth Warning or After Second warning in case of serious offences.
Astrolab guarantees a strict responsibilities towards our policy and officials will be responsible if any of the policies is not followed.